Our culture is made up of myths, beliefs and symbols brought together by our melting pot society. No matter what religion one practices, all these colorful images, foods, music, rituals have become our American identity. The trappings of our holidays and celebrations are the glue that have made us what we are, the foundation of all these is the American family. No legislation, no government can destroy that foundation of our liberty because it is who we are
Original Painting: 30″x 40″ Nor for sale at this time
Prints Available: 12″x 16″ #1300A: $30.00 16″x 21.5″ #1300B: $50.00
To purchase prints click below.
Shipping (U.S. Postal Service ground 5 to 7 days inside the U.S.) and handling included in price of print. Expedited shipping available at additional cost depending on destination inside or outside the U.S. Please specify.
If you are intersted in purchasing a painting please contact Mana.