Genesis of belief

The propensity to practice religion began for our species with three elements:  music, dance and the visions that eminated from the two.  This was pure spiritual experience, pure belief from which all the rule laden religions have evolved.  How sweet it would have been to remain with the genesis.

To purchase original painting  #1235:  48″x 48″ please contact artist

Prints  available:

  • 12″x 12″  #1235A: $30.00
  • 16″x 16″#1235B:  $50.00

To purchase prints click below.

Shipping (U.S. Postal Service ground 5 to 7 days inside the U.S.) and handling included in price of print.  Expedited shipping available at additional cost depending on destination inside or outside the U.S.  Please specify



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If you are intersted in purchasing a painting please contact Mana.